Well, as we all knew would happen I have been off the blogging world for awhile. Sometimes life just gets too crazy to have time to right it all down. Especially for me lately with all the political crap going on I frankly have been too frustrated, irritated, shocked, and just plain mad to write about it. Sometimes I just don't even know what to say about it, it has been that bad. Well, I thought for my own sanity, I really need to have some mommy time to feel like a grown up and discuss grown up things. So here goes another try....
So the big thing going on STILL is the health care bill. I still am in shock how Pelosi and the Dems continue to push this bill through when so many americans are shouting they don't want it. I am sure we can all agree that we need health care reform but why is it that they are not looking at opening up crossing state lines for health care companies and looking at capping or cutting down all these law suits which sky rockets insurance permiums for doctors.
So they think that by mandating businesses to give health insurance to employees or will be fined is going to help. I believe it is all about the plan to push everyone into the government health care plan and therefore forcing other companies to disapear. The more people are hurting financially, and need more help the more goverement can grow and the more power these politicians have over us. Why are we so eager to trust them handling such a huge part of our economy now when anything they have managed before has not been successuful.
Our government needs to stop spending, stop regulating, back off, and let the free market system fix itself. If I was in the same position with debt and income limitations I wouldn't be aloud to spend like they are. They are bankrupting american and taking from our children. I just pray that our officials see what the american people really want and stand up to their principles. And we all need to be active when elections come that if our representatives do not vote how we want we kick them out. I personally feel like all of them should go and we should start over.
I dream of:
- Deregulating - allow options for businesses but do not mandate (it's unconstitutional!)
- Give businesses tax breaks (ultimatley they will want to make more money and if the environment is right in order for them to make more money they need to grow their business or put out a product everone wants - which (oh wait for it ...) CREATES JOBS!!!
Implement the FAIR TAX - think of it - no IRS, everyone is taxed like a sales tax so EVERYONE pays taxes - no income tax taken - think of the boost to the economy and the environment it would create for businesses. Businesses from all over the world would be flocking here because we would have the best tax environment! JOBS JOBS JOBS oh yeah and more money for all of us! There is a book on it and below I have a link that explains it.
Educate yourself on the Fair Tax, check this video out - I know its 8 min but worth it!:
- Smaller government - The constitution was not meant to give us liberity through the governement allowing it - we already have that (it is our right) - the constitution was meant to give SOME (not a lot!) power to governement to aid in helping keep that liberity. ~60% of what are governement is doing right now is unconstitutional! It seems ...our representatives have it backwards - they work for us - not the other way around! Frustrating!