Friday, September 4, 2009

Indoctrinating our children !?!

I came across this article about this video that was shown in a public school to young school children.

Here is link to article:

It promoted issues that could be controversial especially to be shown without parental consent. I thought to myself - "now what"! I watched the video and to be honest at first I thought, well this isn't so bad. I don't see much of a problem. But then as if the video was trying to make you relaxed and guard down at first, it then starts spilling into issues that some may feel passionate about on both sides of the argument. It not only was having these public stating what they would do they started saying what "you" (our kids) should do.

My reaction - WOW - and then - WOW - and then - "am I going to have to start home schooling my children?", (so they don't get indoctrinated with the philosophies of Obama)

Check the video out: